Sabtu, 25 April 2015

[ Diskusi ] Tabrakan Pembalap di Sirkuit dan Aturan Menyalip secara Umum

Sebuah contoh ilustrasi balapan mobil (by pic copyright disini)
Daripada debat gak jelas nih ane ada referensi, # monggo disedot deh

Adanya aturan biasanya dibuat untuk mengurangi resiko (aspek keselamatan) dan kenyamanan. Sehingga jika ada masalah, semisal sebuah 'kecelakaan' akan mudah dilacak siapa pihak yang (paling) bertanggungjawab.

Dalam kegiatan mengemudi, biasanya fokus pandangan pengemudi adalah lurus kedepan (ini juga mestinya berlaku bagi pembalap yang mempertahankan the right line-nya), sehingga bagi yang mau menyalipnya harus lebih aware bahwa dia punya kecepatan & ruang yang cukup untuk melakukannya.

Sebagai acuan di Indonesia sendiri, Tata Cara Berlalu Lintas dalam Undang-undang No. 14 tahun 1992 (materi ujian SIM) menyebutkan,
Pengemudi yang akan melewati kendaraan lain harus mempunyai pandangan bebas dan menjaga ruang yang cukup bagi kendaraan yang dilewatinya.

Sekarang mari kita ambil contoh kejadian berdasar beberapa potongan gambar sebagai berikut:

Gokil Effect pic1
Yang dimaksud "racing line owner" adalah pemilik garis itu sampai ada yang melewatinya secara "sempurna" atau telah keluar dari tikungan (jika melewatinya). Pembalap A telah lebih dahulu masuk kesisi "corner" dan  pembalap A bergerak simetris mengikuti garis pembatas disebelahnya, sementara pembalap B telah memiliki racing line sendiri, yaitu RL2.

Kutipan artikel berikut menyebutkan (asumsi bahwa aturan ini berlaku umum):

2. Once the racing line is established by the lead driver turning in and heading towards the Apex of a corner, the trailing driver must avoid causing a collision. (The most common of which occurs when a driver is taking a turn while a trailing driver going much faster into the corner, dives to the inside, instantly pulling up next to and causing a collision with the nose (MONCONG, red.) of their vehicle into the side of the lead driver.

2. Generally, if any point, the nose (moncong, red) of the trailing driver gets along side the lead driver before entering the turn, it is at that point that two racing lines are created.

3. If two racing lines are created, the driver racing the inside line is entitled to the Apex of the corner.

4. If two racing lines are created, it becomes the responsiblity of the driver racing the outside line not to cause a collision.

5. If two racing lines are created, the driver racing the inside line is entitled to push the driver racing the outside line to the outside edge of the track upon exiting a corner.

6. If two racing lines are created, the driver racing the inside line is forbidden from pushing the driver racing the outside line, off the track upon exiting a corner.

7. Two racing lines can also be created before a corner if any part of both vehicles is side by side and both vehicles are braking going into the corner. In this situation, drivers are to not change their racing lines while under braking.

Dalam gambar diatas pembalap B telah melebar sebelum memasuki tikungan, kemudian dalam gambar berikut pembalap B seolah melakukan "intimidasi" terhadap pembalap A dengan mencoba memaksa masuk ke RL1 milik pembalap A (ingat pembalap A belum keluar dari tikungan) dan/atau pembalap B belum menyalipnya secara sempurna/keseluruhan [THIS IS THE RULE POINT].
Gokil Effect pic2
Referensi berikut menyebutkan:

B. Each competitor has a right to racing room, which is generally defined as sufficient space on the marked racing surface that under racing conditions, a driver can maintain control of his car in close quarters.

C. Drivers must respect the right of other competitors to racing room. Abrupt changes in direction that impede or affect the path of another car attempting to overtake or pass may be interpreted as an effort to deprive a fellow competitor of the right to racing room.

D. The overtaking driver is responsible for the decision to pass another car and to accomplish it safely. The overtaken driver is responsible to be aware that he is being passed and not to impede or block the overtaking car. A driver who does not use his rear view mirror or who appears to be blocking another car attempting to pass may be black flagged and/or penalized, as specified in Section 7.

Selanjutnya kita cermati beberapa ilustrasi lain:
Trek lurus yang pendek, masing2 pembalap punya RL sendiri
Gokil Effect pic4
Gokil Effect pic5
Mari bandingkan beberapa ilustrasi diatas dengan gambar berikut:
F1 Car Moving

Dan penjelasannya sbb:

This move is seen very frequently and is considered acceptable with one important caveat: when the defender moves back to the outside, they must leave at least one car width between themselves and the edge of the track, allowing the attacker to potentially run deep around the outside. This rule is stated under sporting regulation 20.3, which was formally clarified after Michael Schumacher’s controversial defense against Lewis Hamilton in the 2011 Italian Grand Prix.

Any driver moving back towards the racing line, having earlier defended his position off-line, should leave at least one car width between his own car and the edge of the track on the approach to the corner.

Manoeuvres liable to hinder other drivers, such as deliberate crowding of a car beyond the edge of the track or any other abnormal change of direction, are not permitted.

Menurut ane, aturan/kode etik membalap/menyalip mestinya relatif sama, karena harus mempertimbangkan efek safety kepada semua driver. Pelanggaran terhadap hal ini harus dikenai sanksi, entah sengaja atau tidak (misal karena refleks) agar tidak menjadi kebiasaan (entar pake alasan ngaku gak sengaja lagi). Pinalti itu tidak harus menganulir kemenangan, tapi bisa juga mengurangi poin kumulatif. Jika poin-nya masih sama dengan  nol, maka diberi poin minus.

Pelanggaran lain yang termasuk 'mengganggu' pergerakan lawan juga harus disemprit, misal menyenggol ban lawan, menabrak body tungangan lawan, asal belok sehingga menyebabkan lawan terjatuh dll. Dengan demikian akan semakin tercipta momen balapan yang lebih fairplay

Beberapa referensi tambahan:

Racing Etiquette

If an overtaking driver has any part of their car beside another as they enter a corner (known as overlap), the driver being overtaken should not move across; they should give the overtaking car room and go through the corner side by side, or let them through into the corner and try to re-take them at the exit. Drivers must learn to judge overlap without being able to actually see the opposition, this requires an understanding of the limited visibility provided by the mirrors.

Drivers are not to ram or force opponents off the track, should a driver breach this article then they may be disqualified or penalised post-race.

Q: You have chosen the ideal line, and then expect the cars to use a different line if challenged, when they still may not be aware of the challenge.

A: Drivers need to be aware of any challenge, and be ready to choose their preferred line if they feel someone is close enough to get alongside. If the following car can’t get alongside, then the leading driver can take whatever line he wants.

Q: The problem with this concept is that it dictates, in a rather Scalextric type fashion, two grooves to go round, when part of the art of racing is to use car position.

A: I think that the rule would allow the drivers to use car position skillfully, but within clear limits, so one driver can squeeze another, but has to give them just enough room. Indeed on the exit, the driver on the outside line might keep too tight and be on the wrong side of the line, and the driver on the inside line would be perfectly entitled to push him wider, but not actually off the track.

So, any ideas? Monggo digeber ... n semogah bergoenah.

* Bonus: 
- Mau komen gak punya akun blogger? pakai Open ID ajah di ( A )

- (Manfaat serat Jeruk) Jangan Kupas Bersih! Di Bawah Kulit Jeruk Banyak Anti Kanker, ( B )

- 10 proyek rahasia Google-X, ( C )

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